Your Wedding Videography


Where we love is home, home that our feet may leave but not our hearts.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes

There is no better way to preserve the elegance and emotions of a formal wedding than on video or DVD. A professional videographer can record and preserve the expressions of joy and tears of happiness that are an integral part of every wedding.

Jaques Scheepers Photography Windsor, Ontario

It is advisable to secure the services of a professional rather than someone who does videography “on the side”. It is important to review a demo tape as a sample of their work and discuss the style of taping, what type of equipment is used, and how the editing is performed?

Experience is essential and it is critical to the end product and your preservation of the day. It is also important to ensure that the personality of the videographer will complement your wedding atmosphere and that they be as unobtrusive as possible.

Don’t look book with regret because you thought your memories wouldn’t merit a capture of your special day. Contact a professional today. In the years to come, you will cherish your memories and have them for your children and grandchildren to enjoy!