Perfect Bridal Bouquets

Beautiful roses, daisies and freesia have all won many a bride’s heart. Bountiful flowers express your wedding palette from the ceremony, to the centrepieces. Flowers are the consistent visual that links the activities of your wedding day.

Your wedding dress expresses your personality and style and makes an amazing statement. So the bouquet that you carry with your dress is an important decision too.

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Your creative floral designer will assist you if you don’t know the difference between an orchid and a lily. When interviewing them, look for their use of colour, texture and overall flair.

Let them know the particulars of your wedding: date, time of day, location, formal or informal and a general idea of your budget.

Flowers in bloom during the months of your wedding will be more readily available and a lot less costly than out-of season blooms. Holidays are also a factor if you’ve noticed how roses cost more on Valentine’s Day. Hyacinths and tulips are more popular during the spring season.

This season we’ve spotted English garden style, cascading bouquets with a romantic vintage, with natural greens such as grasses, herbs, vines and ferns. To add some nostalgia, a little bit of fabric from their mother’s gown tied into the bouquet with a brooch from their grandmother adds a personal sentiment.

Hand-tied bouquets (clusters of stems grouped together with ribbon or fabric) are still very popular and whimsical with a bohemian twist of fruits, herbs and flowers, all mixed together.

The Tussie Mussie is a throw-back to the Victorian era and is gaining in popularity once again. This is a small, metal hand-held vase with small flowers. They also make a great alternative to the mothers’ corsages.

Biedermeier is a style of tightly concentric circles of the same colour of flower, often surrounded with a collar of leaves, fabric or ribbon. This upcoming season will see a lot of these bouquets making their way down the aisle.

A Crescent style bouquet consists of flowers wired together to drape over one arm and this is a popular style for orchids.

The Presentation bouquet consists of long-stemmed flowers, cradled in the crook of your arm, like a beauty contestant carries.

The Nosegay is a rounded, hand-tied cluster of flowers with the stems tied off with ribbon.

A bride’s bridal flowers add the personal touches and details that are what makes her day as unique as she is. Wedding flowers are rich in symbolism, tradition and meaning. Use your wedding as an opportunity to share your love and sentiments and listen to the compliments that will follow.