The maid or matron of honour is usually a sister, best friend or roommate whom the bride considers her closest and dearest acquaintance.
The maid/matron is the bride’s “lady- in- waiting and attends to almost any details to help the bride. Some brides make two lists of things to be done before, during and after the wedding. One list stays with the bride, and the other goes to the maid of honour. The maid of honour takes care of anything that the bride may forget.
One of the first responsibilities of the job is to help plan or coordinate bridal showers. Some other pre-wedding duties may include helping address invitations and visiting florists or caterers. The maid of honour may accompany the bride on her visits to the bridal shops to try on wedding gowns.

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At the ceremony, the maid of honour precedes whoever walks the bride down the aisle. She is also an official witness to the wedding by signing the marriage license.
If the wedding reception is a sit-down dinner, she will be seated to the right of the groom. During the reception, she attends to any details to help the bride.
Being asked to participate an attendant in a friend’s wedding celebration is an honour. But it’s one that carries its own set of responsibilities and costs, ones that the bridesmaid should consider carefully, before saying “yes.” First, consider the dollars involved in taking part in a wedding. Most bridesmaids purchase their own dresses. Add to that cost, shoes, alterations, and accessories. But a bridesmaid isn’t finished yet! You’ll most likely be invited to the shower(s), which of course require appropriate gifts, and you might host a shower of your own for the bride. Then, there’s the wedding gift.
Aside from the costs, the bridesmaids also have the responsibility to support the bride’s choices. You might feel the that silk flowers just don’t compare to the real deal, but it’s not your responsibility to convince the bride to change her mind. Your bridesmaid dress might not be as flattering as you may like or your least favourite colour, but your first responsibility is to be quiet when you don’t agree. It can be difficult to hold your thoughts when their are items that the bride has chosen that you don’t like and have to pay for. Even if you’re asked for your opinion, be tactful and kind to the bride.
If when you have weighed the pros and cons of being a bridesmaid and found it isn’t possible, don’t be afraid to say “no.” Tactfully explain to the bride your reasons why you have to decline. The bride might be able to stretch her wedding budget to include part of your bridesmaid outfit, or she may be able to think of a less costly alternative, such as asking the bridesmaids to make or choose their own dresses. But even if she regretfully accepts your decision, offer to help in other ways. Perhaps, you could serve as her personal “attendant’ on the wedding day, helping her dress and running errands for her. Even though she may be disappointed, the bride will know that you want to do everything you can to make her day unforgettable.
If you want someone to be your bridesmaid, then you need to make sure that they are your closest and dearest acquaintance. They have a lot of responsibility on their heads.