Trevor Booth Photography, Windsor, Ontario, Will Travel.
We are pleased to introduce Sean Keats, CSCS to this column of Bridal Talk. Sean is a Personal Trainer in Windsor, Ontario, who will be joining us with loads of healthy tips. He is tuned into what a bride, groom, wedding party or parent needs to do in order to be more fit and eat more nutritionally. His goal is to help you and yours achieve your goals and he will work in-home with you to do just that. Have the wedding you envision and get fit and healthy in the process.
Four Fitness Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Wedding
Wow. The big question has been popped and you said yes! Congratulations! Now you’re both busy planning a wedding and discussing a million details and the things that will need to be done in time for your big day.
With all this going on around you, you may not be taking care of yourself as much as you need to. I want you to look your best on your wedding day.
So, today I want to discuss with you the 4 fitness mistakes that I’ve repeatedly seen brides make over and over again.
Unfortunately, these mistakes can be critical! AND EVEN RUIN YOUR WEDDING!
Mistake #1:
I see this too many times where there is a delay and the bride is kicks herself for waiting too long to work on herself and fit into her dress — the way she wants to.
Remember, the sooner you start a fitness program, the sooner you’ll feel a sense of success. That sense of achievement will amaze you, your fiancé and finally your wedding guests!
Get started now! Don’t procrastinate. You’ll be so glad that you did.
Mistake #2:
Poor Eating Habits
The idea that you can workout and still eat whatever you want will get you nowhere.
I’m not saying that you need to give up all of your favourite foods. To see the results that you want, put some thought into organizing a sound eating plan; ideally one that will burn fat as well as tone and tighten your muscles. 🙂
Mistake #3:
Weekend Sabotage
What do I mean by this? It’s quite simple; blowing your eating plan on the weekends!
I know that you’re planning a wedding and have a lot going on during the weekends, including friend’s weddings, happy hour with the girls, or just a nice night out with your fiancé.
However, if you want to be successful and really look your GREAT, alcohol needs to be kept to a minimum. Ensure that the food you’re taking in isn’t putting all the body fat back on that you worked so hard to lose during the week!
Mistake #4:
Giving Up
All too often fitness professionals like myself see brides giving up on their workout and nutrition programs after just a couple of days or even several weeks of starting!
Everyone is different. That means that you won’t always see the same results as quickly as someone else might. But the one thing you should never do is throw in the towel because you’re results aren’t drastic enough, quickly enough and you begin to feel discouraged.

Windsor, Ontario- will travel
Sean Keats, CSCS is a Personal Trainer in Windsor, Ontario and can help you get into the dress of your dreams for your wedding day! For your personal In-home sessions for you, your fiancé or your wedding party, please contact: 226-3448258