Jacqui Wadsworth, Guest Author
Congratulations! He’s popped the question and you said “Yes!”
Lots of wedding planning is sure to follow; when’s the date, what are my colors, who’s going to be in the wedding party, where are we going to have it, what about food? But the biggest plan of all is, “The Dress.”
The first question you need to ask yourself is, ‘what kind of bride, am I?” Do you want to be a happy bride, or a needy, fussy, truculent bride, aka Bridezilla? How will people remember your most special day and what memories will you be creating, as you move through all the days of planning that lead up to it?
Each part of your wedding planning will be a part of that day. Do you want vendors who like you and want to help you, or do you want vendors who resent and secretly disrespect you? (Insider Tip: there’s always an up charge for Bridezilla services.) How will you interact with your friends and family as you meet, greet and decide on the army of vendors who will help you produce your Wedding Day?

Windsor, Ontario- will travel
My first piece of advice is to see you the way you want to be seen. Define your attitudes, and the picture of yourself that you’d like the world to see. You can choose to make happy memories, every step of the way. Just like everything else in life, your attitude makes the difference.
Bridal Gown Shopping 101
WooHoo! You’re finally going shopping to find the gown of your dreams! You look up your local bridal stores, give them a call, and discover that you have to have an “appointment.”
What?! You’re ready to shop NOW and there’s already what looks like a block in the road to success. But that’s incorrect thinking. The “Bridal Appointment” is actually something to be happy about because bridal stores are the last great bastion of “full service.”
Full-Service means you get to work with a professional stylist whose exclusive job is to help you find the gown that you’ll not only love, but look your very best in, on your wedding day.
Nicole Vallance Photography, Windsor, Ontario
This stylist will know her gown selection, how the gowns fit, what color looks best with your skin tone and which gowns will look best on your figure. She’ll also know how to help you accessorize to define your bridal “look.”
What do you wear to this special shopping event? Well, for starters in a full-service salon, you’ll be in your skivvies with the stylist. Do you want her to see your thong, as she’s lacing up a 24” corset back gown? How’s that bright tone underwear going to look under a white or light ivory gown? Just like your attitude, your foundation garments are even more important than your outfit for that shopping day.
Your bridal gown stylist will be able to help you more effectively if she knows a bit about you and the wedding day of your dreams. Make sure to tell her your vision for the day. It’s sometimes helpful to have photos of dress designs that you like, because even if the store doesn’t carry that exact gown, they will have something with a similar look and feel.
Wedding gowns and formal wear do NOT fit like day clothes and you need to know this now; you will be going UP in size when you try on a bridal gown.
Do not let this destroy your bridal gown shopping day. It happens to EVERY bride. One day the designers will catch up with the actual sizes of women today, but that day is not yet here. Be prepared with this knowledge, and don’t let it get you down.
Also, be open to trying on different dresses beyond what you saw in the photos online or in a magazine. Every bride’s figure is different, so you need to let the stylist help you find what’s best for yourself. After all, isn’t playing “dress up” a fun way to spend a couple of hours? You’ll be pleasantly surprised, if you keep an open mind. Remember, if you don’t like it, you don’t have to buy it. There’s no loss in trying on gowns just to see how they look on you.
One other note on bridal gown shopping that is of consequence is that if you take more than two people with you to your fitting, you’re going to get too much input and end up potentially confused and upset. Everyone who cares about you will have an opinion. Bridal Gown shopping should be about YOUR vision of your wedding day.
p.s. Your friend who just got married is NOT an expert in the field of weddings. She’s only an expert about her wedding. Trust your bridal stylist to hear what you will need and let her provide it to you. Certainly, accept advice from a friend, but remember she’s judging based on her past experience. You’re having your own experience. Enjoy it and let the pros help you do it.
Copyright © 2013 –Jacqui Wadsworth. Jacqui Wadsworth is the owner of The Gilded Gown, a full service bridal salon, not far from the French Broad River in Knoxville, Tennessee. She has helped thousands of brides find their dream dress and she understands that there has never been a rule book about how to shop, but that there are “guidelines!” She loves sharing her expertise and seeing her brides walk out of her shop with a smile on their face. Visit Jacqui’s Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/TheGildedGown?fref=ts
Sheryl Davies has published The Wedding Guide Windsor|Essex County for over 20 years. As an industry veteran, brides trust her expert advice about wedding planning.