Avoid Stress When Planning Your Wedding

Anyone who has ever been through a wedding can tell you, the months leading up to your big day can be a time of stress as well as happiness. Welcome to the wedding jitters, they are about as common as weddings. Luckily there are ways to control your anxiety.

Trendy Photo's PhotgraphyHere are a few suggestions:

Communicate your feelings. Be open and honest if you are feeling upset. Tell your fiancé or family what’s bothering you. Don’t try to keep stressful feelings to yourself-they may transfer to something or someone else. Take positive action whenever possible. Worrying never solves a problem.

Share responsibilities. Don’t assume you have to do everything yourself. Ask your fiance to go over the Groom’s Checklist in this guide and handle as many of those planning functions as possible.


Follow a timetable. It will give you the secure feeling that you’re not forgetting something crucial.

Have a system. Break down each task into organized steps and decide how long it should take and who will do it. Then set a completion date and stay on schedule.

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Pace yourself. In the beginning stages of planning your wedding you have several major areas to decide upon. Don’t try to tackle them all at once.

Take care of your health. Eat right and get enough rest and exercise. Take advantage of time tested soothers at night; a hot bath, warm milk or a back rub.

You will keep stress under control if you allow plenty of time to plan your wedding and then follow through on your schedule in a timely manner.