Grooms are Involved in Today’s Weddings

The days of the groom being responsible for the rehearsal dinner, honeymoon plans and showing up on time for the wedding are long gone. Today’s groom is involved in almost every aspect of the wedding plans.

Marriage today is an equal partnership and most men feel wedding responsibilities should be shared equally. As men become more involved, we are seeing traditional wedding duties change. Beginning with the engagement announcement, more and more newspapers across North America a feature picture of the couple instead of the traditional photo of the bride-to-be only.

Most newlyweds work full-time as well as share housekeeping duties. Because of this, the groom is being included in many bridal showers; thus the stag and doe! Theme showers which include the interests of the couple have become very popular.


The groom is also becoming more involved in the financial aspects of the wedding. With couples marrying at an older age, many are paying for their own weddings or contribute towards the parent’s expenses. 

After the wedding, the groom may take on writing thank you notes to his family and friends while the brides will send thank you notes to hers.

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One of the oldest marriage traditions has  also changed for many couples. The bride is not required by law to change her name after the wedding;  many retain their maiden name or use both names hyphenated. Many grooms are making changes in their name also. The last name of the bride and groom may both be used as a celebration of their lifelong commitment.

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The changing roles of men and women are indeed having an affect on the traditional wedding of the past. We are seeing a “Best Woman” in place of the traditional “Best Man,” female ushers and groom/male only bridal showers. The crossing of traditional barriers is allowing today’s brides and grooms to share everything about their wedding, their life and their love.