Wedding Planning & Your Creative Ceremony

The individuality of our times is an opportunity to be eloquent at the most important and meaningful ceremony- yours!

Self-written vows, silence, music from drum to guitars, festive clothing of  lace to leather and food from old world family recipes to unique gourmet fare or local cuisine, truly shows that your wedding can be a one-of-a-kind.

Traditions are not always subject to legal requirements; at your ceremony- all that is required is a marriage license that will be signed and witnessed.  Your officiant need not be a religious person and your vows may not be the traditional ones that have so long been recited throughout history.

As a couple, each creative and individual aspect of your wedding that you inject with your combined personality;  from originality of your vows  and,  even guest participation will reflect your individual tastes . That creative process is a sure way to know each other better as a couple.

Wedding ceremony sites are innovative and can be anywhere that you choose from a mountain top to the shores of the ocean. It is limited only by what you envision and what your signature style is as a couple.

All weddings take courage and a creative ceremony makes a bold statement. Expressing yourselves in a unique fashion by writing or seeking out unique vows to recite to one another,  is the first compromise you will make together as a married couple.