We’ve been talking about weddings for over 23 years now and although some things have changed, others have remained the same. In 2015, personalized weddings continue to be what couples want and they continue to redefine the rules of a wedding day by adding their own unique signature style to their planning.

Slow Receiving Lines
“Receiving lines are being revisited in 2015. No one likes waiting in any line, but the ones at a wedding reception can be known for being long enough to keep guests from enjoying the cocktail hour. Some couples have actually done away with receiving lines completely. If you want to have one, think about locating it strategically inside your reception room so that guests can enjoy cocktails and hors d’ouevre, while waiting to share their congratulations with you. You may also want to limit the number of people in the receiving line,by limiting it to just the two of you and your parents. If your receiving line is fairly long, try to keep it moving by greeting everyone warmly, but not carrying on long conversations.
Bridal Hospitality
Everyone has been a guest at a wedding where they have had a lot of time to fill between the ceremony and the reception. Of course, there is no such thing as wasted time for you and your wedding party as this is traditionally when your wedding photos are taken. However, leaving your out-of-town guests with a few hours with nothing to do can be deemed inconvenient. For out-of-town guests, why not designate a hospitality suite in your hotel, where family and friends can socialize with each other or have a snack while you are with your photographer. If you have lots of guests staying there, the hotel may even provide the room as a bonus. Make sure there is someone in charge of this suite to open and close it and to keep supplies well-stocked. Your guests will thank you for this nice touch!
Your Wedding Budget

Whether it’s the size of the reception or the number of attendants in your wedding party, make sure to count and recount. Maybe you have always dreamed of a huge wedding with lots of family and friends present to witness your vows. But if you just can’t seem to come up with the budget to accommodate all those potential positive R.S.V.Ps in quite the way you had imagined, you may want to consider downsizing your reception and invite only those closest friends and family to share your special day. Or, if you just unable to cut back the list consider a less expensive reception like a sunrise breakfast, brunch or afternoon tea in place of a more expensive dinner.
Mother Nature and Your Wedding

Sometimes the perfect setting can be found in simple places. The beach at sunset or even a special backyard can provide the atmosphere you want to commit yourself to each other. Many reception sites make the most of their locations by adding a spectacular fountain, a beautiful brick patio or a flower laden gazebo. Make the most of your location and create an atmosphere that is romantic and special to you both. Remember, if your wedding is in a place where the weather can fluctuate, make sure to have a Plan B that can easily be put into action in case of bad weather.
Save The Date Cards

Photo: See you There Invitations, Windsor, Ontario
In these days of long-distance weddings, the arrival of a wedding invitation 4-6 weeks before the date sometimes is often not enough advance notice. The popularity of “Save the Date” cards give a heads-up, often months in advance to guests the couple plan to invite. These cards require no response from the recipients, nor will they lock anyone into a commitment for their presence. They are meant as a friendly alert as to the couple’s plans and their desire to have you present to share their wedding day.
Who Doesn’t Like Wedding Cake?
Not only is wedding cake delicious to eat, its image at the reception is a focal point that brings a happy and joyous feeling. When you cut the cake, it will be the first time that you and your future partner will share something together as a married couple. Cake cutting also signifies that the eating portion of the evening is over and that the entertainment will soon commence. Wedding cakes are available in all styles and flavours and create a wonderful backdrop for all the festivities that come before the cake- cutting ceremony. Personalized monogrammed and sometimes sparkly, cake-toppers are very popular for 2015 weddings as they grace the cake top and provide an alternative to the bride and groom toppers. It is a unique and lovely idea that can be kept forever and best of all; it carries your new initials or a word or phrase. And, for those who really truly don’t like or want a wedding cake, consider a cupcake tree, stacked high on a crystal pedestal to form an unusual, colourful and inviting treat for your guests’ enjoyment. Or you omit the cake altogether and just have a huge dessert bar, laden with pastries, ice creams, chocolate and other sweet treats.
Great Attendant Gifts

Photo: Mike Kovaliv Photography
Before your wedding day, you both put a lot of thought into who you wanted to include as your attendants, so it’s important to shop early to find them the perfect gift. You may choose to give the same gift to everyone in your wedding party or you may choose one type of item for each of the ladies and one for each of the men. General ideas include jewellery, fashion accessories, or crystal for the women and watches, wallets or sporting goods for the men. You may however, choose to give a personally chosen gift to each one of your attendants, especially if your wedding party is small. Don’t forget the flower girl and ring bearer! All your attendants will appreciate your thoughtfulness as a remembrance of sharing your day.