Wedding Flowers
“The earth laughs in flowers.” Ralph Waldo Emerson |
Flowers have always been a favoured expression of friendship and love. Prior to bridal bouquets, brides carried bunches of garlic herbs and grains to drive evil spirits away, as they walked down the aisle. This practice, thankfully evolved and was replaced with flowers, symbolizing fertility and love.
Jaques Scheepers Photography
Today, floral choices are endless. Choose a wedding specialist to assist you and review some of their previous work, before you hire them.Which colour, which variety, which type?? will all be defined by the theme you chose for your wedding day, the cost and the season of the year. You will want to use your flowers to tie everything together, including your bridal gown.
 Chalet Studio Photography
An experienced florist will discuss the style and look you wish to achieve. You may want to bring in some examples of ideas that have caught your eye from wedding magazines, as well as sample swatches of your gown, your bridesmaids attire, the setting of the wedding and your table linens, to understand what you are hoping to achieve. |