Your Financial Future & Wedding Planning

Literally hundreds of decisions need to be made before a wedding day. Some of these decisions are more urgent than others, but they are all important. An often, overlooked area is the decision to evaluate your and your spouse’s financial situation. While marriage is an exciting time in a couple’s life, it also carries responsibility of providing for each other, and in the years to come, for future children. Both of you have likely developed individual philosophies concerning savings, investments, and insurance. As your life changes, your priorities change. A review of each of your financial affairs will develop the foundation for a prosperous future together.

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Insurance is something that everyone requires, but they seldom concern themselves with, until something goes amiss. By then, it is too late. Uninsured items that are lost, stolen or damaged during or after your wedding day can only be replaced if you pay for them. That’s why you cover yourself with an insurance policy.

A qualified agent will help you evaluate all aspects of your finances. You may want to examine personally owned policies for name and beneficiary changes. Your agent will also help you find any gaps or shortfalls in your protection and advise you of any new products that you can benefit from.

An advisor will work with you to ensure your unique financial goals are covered.  They understand what products will be of benefit to you as you enter your new marriage.