Don’t start your planning without a budget. Money is a stresser. Decide up front how much your total budget will be, who will be contributing and how much.

Nicole Harris Photography, Windsor, Ontario
Don’t spend more than your budget or what you can afford. Your wedding is an important day, however it is only one day. You don’t want to start your married life in serious debt.
Don’t rely on oral agreements. Get everything in writing.
Don’t try and do everything yourself. Planning a wedding can be a full time job. So, don’t try to take on such a huge task yourself. Delegate as much as you can or hire a wedding planner. Everyone loves to help!
Don’t insist on having your own way all the time. Compromise on the things that are less important.
Don’t skimp on the photography. Your wedding day goes by quickly and once it’s over, all you have left is your memories and your pictures.
Dont’ go crazy over every single detail. It can take the pleasure out of your wedding planning process.
Don’t forget to thank everyone involved in your wedding and those that gave you gifts. And don’t let your thank you notes pile. Send them promptly after you receive a gift.
Don’t overload yourself the day before your wedding. This is not the time to put together 200 wedding favours for your do it yourself project. Try to do only one or two small tasks and leave the rest of the day to relax and pamper yourself.
Don’t expect perfection for your wedding day. Expect a “terrific” day and set reasonable expectations. Never forget the main goal is to get married.