Today, floral choices are endless. Choose a wedding specialist to assist you review some of their previous work, before you hire them.Which colour, which variety, which type?? will all be defined by the theme you chose for your wedding day, the cost and the season of the year. You will want to use your flowers to tie everything together, including your bridal gown.
More from Bridal Talk . . . Weddings, planning
 “Romance is the icing but love is the cake.” – Unknown
In ancient Rome, the cake was broken over the bride’s head after the wedding. The guests then gathered up the crumbs, as good luck tokens for long life and many children. (We don’t know what the bride did!)
Weddings, planning
 Don’t err on the side of politeness or economy – when relatives or friends volunteer to take your photographs. Hire a professional photographer
More from Bridal Talk . . . Weddings, planning
 Your wedding ceremony is a public declaration of a very significant and private decision.. Your guests are not only only the audience, but also participants, who are there to wish you well.
More from Bridal Talk . . . Weddings, planning
 if you are on time, you will avoid most wedding day hiccups. Your wedding ceremony and reception start with good planning. Your reception is the highlight of the day and the most expensive portion of the day.
More from Bridal Talk . . . Weddings, planning