Proposals are magical! Although there is no wrong way to ask your love to marry you, the one certain thing is that you want the proposal to go off without a hitch. If there ever was a time to be sentimental, this is it, so take care to create your wonderful story, one that will delight you both, as you retell it in the years to come.
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 Diamonds are evaluated by the four C’s: cut, colour, clarity and carat weight. But in order to keep your diamond looking its sparkling best, you should add another C – clean!
More from Bridal Talk . . . Weddings, planning
 Flowers have always been a favoured expression of friendship, romance and love. Prior to bridal bouquets, brides carried bunches of garlic herbs and grains to drive evil spirits away, as they walked down the aisle.
More from Bridal Talk . . . Weddings, planning
 Your ceremony is a drama filled with emotion and life-changing events. You set the stage with florals and costume the cast.
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 Your reception is as unique as you and your spouse-to-be. You will want to create a celebration for you, your groom and your guests to always remember.
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