While planning your wedding, you have many wonderful choices to make that will set the stage for your special day. Last week, we discussed what you should know about photography, invitations and toasts.
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 In the past, a mailed invitation was always a welcome addition to the letterbox. It signified a special event; one that was planned for and, one that was different than just a normal party.
More from Bridal Talk . . . Weddings, planning
 “Toasts are something that most are nervous about delivering and are also one of the last things that are thought about prior to the wedding day. It is a time of sentiment and congratulations and they should be prepared for. Toasts are usually offered at times of celebration and this practice is as old as weddings. They are said to date back to 450 AD in Saxony. Toasts are feelings put into words and shared with everyone. It is the ending of the formal part of the day and the beginning of the party.
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 Also ask who will be shooting your wedding day; will it be the photographer you are meeting with or someone else. You’ll also want to know what happens if your photographer takes ill and is unable to work that day. The other pertinent question to ask is weather-related- is there a Plan B if the weather is inclement? Will there be places to take the pictures, does he have umbrellas- what will you need if the weather, by chance chooses not to cooperate.
More from Bridal Talk . . . Weddings, planning
 With so many wonderful ideas out there, there is a perfect wedding for everyone. This year highlights are sparkle and bling, black and white and elements of metallic gold and silver. Follow our Facebook page, as well as our blog for all the latest in weddings. We promise it.
More from Bridal Talk . . . Weddings, planning