Listen Live toTrade Secrets Revealed About Weddings from Publisher Sheryl Davies

The wedding today is not your mother’s! From lighting to lounge furniture, dessert bars to peplums, you’ll learn about everything that is current for your upcoming wedding.

More from Bridal Talk . . . Weddings, planning

Come Play The Nearlywed Game Windsor, Ontario

“The game will be played much like the original television show, but the fun is about the Wild Card points that will be issued: Couples will receive extra points for dressing up as a famous couple, for bringing 4 or more guests to the competition and for being the most entertaining duo of each evening,” explained Davies, “we couldn’t think of a better way to have some fun and set-up an engaged couple on the way to their future life. Everyone is guaranteed a good time and there are great runner-up prizes too!”

More from Bridal Talk . . . Weddings, planning

Four Fitness Mistakes that can Ruin Your Wedding by Sean Keats

Will travel

So, today I want to discuss with you the 4 fitness mistakes that I’ve repeatedly seen brides make over and over again. Unfortunately, these mistakes can be critical! AND EVEN RUIN YOUR WEDDING!

More from Bridal Talk . . . Weddings, planning

INSIDE EDITION Investigates Counterfeit Wedding Gowns


HOW TO AVOID BUYING A COUNTERFEIT WEDDING GOWN Tips from the owners of The Perfect Dress, Salt Lake City, UT • Bridal gown manufacturers do not sell their gowns online. They only sell their dresses through authorized retailers. • Just because a website uses a designer’s own photos, doesn’t mean you’ll be getting the real thing. • A counterfeit bridal website often asks for a lot of measurements, many more than any manufacturer or legitimate bridal store will ever need. That is an indication that the website is creating the dress from scratch, and is not working with the real designer

More from Bridal Talk . . . Weddings, planning

Wedding Flowers are Symbolic

John Lyons Photography

Flowers set the “colour” and tone of your entire day. Corsages, bouquets and boutonnieres should all harmonize and complement your wedding gown and those of your bridesmaids and all should fit within the over-all colour scheme that you select.

More from Bridal Talk . . . Weddings, planning