Plan Well with The Wedding Guide Windsor|Essex County

The growing popularity of “Save the Date” notices are a blessing to our busy lives. These simple cards, notices, magnets or other clever communication ideas, give advance notice to guests that you plan to invite to the celebrations so you can plan to be there!

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Preparations for your Wedding with The Wedding Guide Windsor|Essex County

If you are thinking about a summer 2013 wedding, you must get busy now. August has surpassed June as the month most couples plan to say “I will.” Most brides biggest fear is forgetting something, overspending on their budget, or choosing the wrong DJ.

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Honouring Your Mother on Your Wedding Day

oms cannot be replaced, moms get the role and do the job for life, always rooting loudly for their children.

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Delegate Your Wedding Plans & Relax

Choose wedding vendors that are both creative and reliable and then put your trust in them.

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Never Assume When Planning Your Wedding

Always get written proposals. Verify dates, times and costs before signing any contract.

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