I Promise, I Swear, I Vow, by Leo Buscaglia

Love is a celebration for our humanness, not our perfection.

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Lighting & Your Wedding Day

John Lyons Photography

Lighting adds glamour, intimacy and depth to any space and animates it to set a mood.

More from Bridal Talk . . . Weddings, planning

Sunday Morning in the Early Wedding Season of 2012- What are you planning?

purple flowers and diamond rings, vanstone studio photography

From price to location, tradition and well, “it’s always been this way”, there are some slow and subtle changes that are transforming weddings today. there are some big ideas too. Are you setting new standards? Are you introducing some new wedding ideas? If you said, yes, yes, and yes, to what we are thinking, we’d love to hear from you. We’ll protect your identity, if it’s too early to blow the whistle on your planning, but we will be rewarding you with some fun and gifts. We love to see your innovative weddings and the more the merrier. We do weddings right in this part of the world!

More from Bridal Talk . . . Weddings, planning

True Wedding Expert, Sheryl Davies, Back in a Big Way April 22, 2012 By Paul Pannone

Sheryl Davies is no stranger to radio and local promotions, as she continues to guide the bride and her business away from a strictly print format. When asked about her secret to success, Sheryl always manages to get the point across; we all exist to guide the bride.

More from Bridal Talk . . . Weddings, planning

Your Financial Future & Wedding Planning

Literally hundreds of decisions need to be made before a wedding day. Some of these decisions are more urgent than others, but they are all important. An often, overlooked area is the decision to evaluate your and your spouse’s financial situation.

More from Bridal Talk . . . Weddings, planning