The decision to change your name is a personal one that some brides and grooms choose to address. There are many options but only you and your future spouse can decide what’s best for you. You may decide to retain your maiden name for an variety of reasons; the primary one, an established career, where everyone knows your name.
You might choose to use your maiden name professionally while legally sharing one name. This can be the best solution when you have established valuable name recognition in your chosen career.
Hyphenating your name is another possibility and is a useful way to honour both family names. Which name comes first is again, up to the two of you.
Some couples have created a new name for their new union. The last names of Apple & Smith could become the new name, Applesmith.
If you decide to change your name, it is imperative to notify your bank, the post office and Canada Revenue Agency, to name but a few. Make a list of your monthly bills, such as credit cards, get new application forms for your passport and driver’s license. Notify the post office, club memberships, magazine subscriptions, and advise your Doctor so your, medical records can be adjusted. The sooner you put in for the changes, the sooner you can move forward in your new union.
©The Wedding Guide Windsor|Essex County Photos by Trevor Booth Photography