The days of the groom being responsible for the rehearsal dinner, honeymoon plans and showing up on time for the wedding are long gone. Today’s groom is involved in almost every aspect of the wedding plans.
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 Talk to your travel agent and do a Honeymoon Registry. This allows you to take that trip of your dreams and affords an opportunity for your friends and relatives to contribute to yoru dream vacation through Honeymoon Gift Certificates.
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 When planning your wedding, a timetable is an essential. Knowing when to book that service is as important as deciding who you are booking. Don’t expect to book the busiest photographer in the area, three months before your special day.
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 Couples are creating #hashtags for their invitations, so guests can use them when uploading and broadcasting their photos. It’s all about memorable posts and tweets for the 21st century bride.
More from Bridal Talk . . . Weddings, planning
 They are required to be at the rehearsal, where they learn the wishes of the clergy/officiant. At the rehearsal, they may practice lighting and extinguishing the candles for the ceremony, should familiarize themselves with the entrance, exit and washroom locations for the guests’ comfort and learn seating arrangements.
More from Bridal Talk . . . Weddings, planning