Chapels and Officiants & Your Vows

Visual Expression Photography and Video by Anthony Verrelli

Churches are becoming reluctant to perform these social functions for people who have no involvement in their organization.

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Your First Steps Together Wedding Planning

Will travel-

Where shall we start? First, don’t be overwhelmed with the details. Instead, try to make each step of your planning an event.

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Something Old, New, Borrowed, Blue: Your Wedding Traditions

John Lyons Photography, Windsor, ON.

The origins of wedding traditions are steeped in days of old. Some are still honoured today.

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Is a Wedding Coordinator a Necessity or a Luxury?

Though many think a wedding coordinator is a luxury that only the wealthiest of brides can afford, a good coordinator can save you money in the long run. They are worth their weight in gold.

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Engagement to the Aisle| Your Choice of Wedding Rings

Your choice of jewellery is an important decision and there are many things to learn and consider before you make a selection. Assistance and information offered by a qualified jeweller or salesperson can be very valuable

More from Bridal Talk . . . Weddings, planning