Wedding Showers


Bridal showers or couples showers are usually given by members of the wedding party, cousins, or friends of the families. Two or three friends can act as co-hostesses or hosts. No one should be invited to the shower who has not been invited to the wedding or does not know the couple.

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Glamour Photography

A glamour portrait could include anything from a revealing candid shot you share only with your special man, to a playful, romantic picture in lingerie, or a rugged seductive look in your blue jeans and his favourite shirt. No matter what your attire, or setting that you choose, your photographer’s goal should be to capture your expressions and feelings.

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Your Wedding Reception

Because your reception can be held nearly anywhere, your first consideration in choosing a site is accommodating the number of people you are inviting. Your church or house of worship may have a suitable area, or you may want to rent a hall, a country club, a vineyard, a restaurant, or even a yacht. Anywhere goes that makes you comfortable and that suits your style.

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Listen to the Local Wedding Experts from The WeddingGuide Windsor|Essex County

Listen to Wedding Experts talk about their services and the brides they serve. The Wedding Guide is the area’s #1 bridal resource for over 20 years.

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Grooms Get Involved in 2013

The groom is also more involved in the financial aspects of the wedding. With couples marrying at an older age, many are paying for their own wedding or contribute towards the parents’ wedding expenses. After the wedding, the groom may take on the responsibility of writing the thank you notes to his family and friends,. The bride will send thank you notes to her family and friends.

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